Saturday, March 30, 2013


"The salvation of the righteous comes from the LORD;
     he is their stronghold in time of trouble." Psalm 37:39

The question of the day: What do you look to in times of trouble? Do you turn to your bank account? Do you turn to the television? Do you turn to your computer? To alcohol? To drugs? To someone else?

David reminds us that our salvation comes from the LORD. The LORD is who I am supposed to look to for help when life gets hard. 

Notice that David does not say that the righteous won't have trouble. Everyone has trouble. Trouble is part of life, whether we want it or like it, trouble will come. If you are like me, sometimes it seems like I have a particularly strong attraction to trouble.   

Trouble will come. We turn to God. That does not mean hiding from trouble. It means seeking God in the midst of trouble and by faith acting in righteousness. Acting righteously by faith is the Christian way of fighting your way out or trouble. Seek Christ, do the right thing by faith, love as Christ loved you and God will be your stronghold in times of trouble.

Thank you Father, for being our stronghold in times of trouble. Help us to walk by faith, to fight by faith as we trust in you to be our stronghold in times of trouble. Praise be to you in us today! 

Friday, March 29, 2013


"Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers." I Timothy 4:16T

Sometimes I will be sitting on the couch reading my email or something on the computer and my youngest son will just walk over and peak to see what I doing. I think he's checking to see if I am playing video games. The point is he's watching. 

As a husband, father, coach, Scout leader and a teacher I am almost always in someones view. Watching my life and doctrine must be a constant. Doctrine is important because I act upon what I truly believe. What I believe about how people should be treated with come out in how I act. I find it interesting that this current generation is not as familiar with the golden rule as previous generations (ask a bunch of teen agers if they have even heard of it). It shows. I want my children to know that Christ laid down his life for them and that example is the example to follow. I need to follow Christ's example so that they might follow Christ's example too. 

Who's watching you? What is your life teaching them? What do you want to teach them?

Father, may our actions reflect you as we seek to live by faith in Christ. Praise be to you in us today!

Thursday, March 28, 2013


"Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you." I Timothy 4:14

This is a simple question and answer devotional today. What's your gift? or What are your gifts? Are you using them? You are useful in the kingdom of God!

Everyone is given a responsibility within the church. That means you. What is the need you see? If you think something needs to be done it could be the Holy Spirit prompting you. Be prompted!

The only other word of encouragement is to be willing. Be willing to let God do what he wants in and through you, because, it is not about your abilities it's about his power in you. His grace, again, given to you. Be useful, be blessed!

Father, help us, by faith,  to step into serving. Praise be to you in us today!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


"Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching." I Timothy 4:13

I'm off today and I went to my churches' Men's Study this morning. I began attending these early morning studies about a year ago. It has been a very encouraging experience. One of the reoccurring themes is leadership in the home. 

I'm not advocating setting up a pulpit in your home, but, I do believe sharing a verse and maybe a word or two is very beneficial. However it is that you place the Word of God before your family, do it, and do it on a daily basis. I once spent a few weeks with a family that the father read the Bible to his family at breakfast every morning. Here's the deal: you just need to take a step of faith and read the Bible yourself and with your family.

If you think about it there are plenty of moments where you can encourage your spouse and children if you are sensitive to the moments that God places before you. Last night when I prayed with my daughter she shared with me a few success's she hand in school. I caught myself sort of rushing out to get to bed myself. I stopped and sat down with her. I listened to her and encouraged her to continue doing what she was doing and let her know that I love her and am proud of her. Her tone when she said, "Thanks dad!" let me know that she was glad her dad approved of her effort. 

What will be the moments that God puts before you to share the Word of God, to encourage and teach your family? Are you looking for them? Be ready, they'll be there.

Father, help us to see the opportunities to lead our families when they happen and not just realize in hind sight that one just went by us. Praise be to you in us today!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

TRUSTWORTHY HOPE: I Timothy 4:9-10

"This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance (and for this we labor and strive), that we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, and especially of those who believe." I Timothy 4:9-10

Every day in my classes students ask to "borrow" a pen or pencil. They promise to give it back at the end of class. If I don't make them leave a back pack or something as collateral, 99 out of 100 times they "forget" to give it back. People trust and hope in a lot of different people, stocks and the simple words of someone every day. Every day people are let down and their trust is proven misplaced. 

But our hope is in the living God! Our hope is not misplaced. Our trust is in the one Being in the universe that can not lie and can not change. Our faith is in the Savior of all men who proved his faithfulness by his death and resurrection. The old hymn says, 
"My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus' blood and righteousness, I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus' Name." - Edward Mote
The truth is that Jesus died for the sins of the whole world, but, only those who believe enjoy the forgiveness and newness of eternal life. 

If you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior I encourage you to rest in his salvation and hope in him alone. And may you find one person today to share the hope you have in Christ.

If you do not know Jesus as Savior and Lord, I encourage you to ask him to forgive your sins and make you a new person in Christ. If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9). 

Father, thank you for this hope we have in You, the living God and Savior of all men! Show us yourself! Praise be to you in us today!

Monday, March 25, 2013


"For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.' I Timothy 4:8

Like me I am sure you have been to several training's in your life. I have had training for coaching, teaching, and administrating, just to name a few. They all something in common: a limited time that the training will have value. 

But, the spiritual disciplines I learned as a young Christian have been my guides taking me through the victories, defeats, losses and gains that are part of a life of faith. 

Someone once said that God gave us two ears and one mouth which means we should listen twice as much as we speak. I don't want to be legalistic about time spent with God. That said, I do believe it is important to seek God and that reading the Bible on a daily basis assures me that I have heard from God on a daily basis. 

I am amazed that the God who knows all things wants me to pray,to call upon him and ask him for my daily bread. I was with some friends and my youngest son this past weekend for a Scouting outing. I watched my son ask me and another father's son ask him for some money for something. Of course we each knew from the moment we went into the general store/arcade we would give them some money, so we gladly did. God knows our needs and desires before we ask. He also plans to provide and has promised to do so. 

Seeking to be a godly person is not just a pursuit momentary peace, but a relationship with Christ that is eternal. All the spiritual lesson's we learn affect us now and in the life to come. God will take care of you now and then. 

Father, thank you that seeking you is not a limited experience. Thank you that walking with you blesses me now and for eternity! Praise be to you in us today!

Friday, March 22, 2013


"For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer." I Timothy 4:4-5

I kind of think vegans are today's Pharisee's. They sort of see themselves as more righteous than people who eat meat. Honestly, when you hear them talking about protecting the planet and being organic they are usually pretty dogmatic about their views and they tend to see animals as equal to humans. Eating meat or processed foods is a moral issue to many vegans. 

As Christians, the Bible determines what is right or wrong for us. When we meditate on the Scriptures and seek God in prayer, the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth. And the truth is: If God created it a gave it to us to enjoy, enjoy it!

What has God put before you to enjoy today?

Father, thank you for providing the food we need today and the many other blessings we will encounter. Open our eyes to see your goodness all around us. Praise be to you in us today!

Thursday, March 21, 2013


"The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught my demons. Such things come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron." I Timothy 4:1-2

I don't want to be too much of an alarmist, but, I am cognizant of the overt attention to things like demons and extraterrestrials in the media.  The skill of the magician is really his ability to deceive his audience into to seeing what he wants them to see, not what he is actually doing. 

Be careful where you get your truth from. Jesus is the Truth and he is the only way to the Father and eternal life (John 14:6). The Bible stands alone as inerrant and infallible. If you want to know if someone is teaching the truth (say me for example), you check to see if what is being taught is in sync with the Bible.

I short time ago my son and I where watching the PBS show NOVA. Well, they are of course pretty dogmatic in their belief of evolution. I am not. I happen to believe that the Biblical account of creation actually explains the reality we live in better than the idea that all was created by time plus chance. So, I taught my son the truth that God is the Sovereign Creator of heaven and earth, time and space. While I appreciate NOVA, it is not my source of ultimate truth. The Bible is. 

Father, thank you for your word. Help us to learn to apply your word to our lives. Praise be to you in us today! 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Beyond all question, the mystery from which true godliness springs is great:
   He appeared in the flesh,
     was vindicated by the Spirit,
   was seen by angels,
     was preached among the nations,
   was believed on in the world,
     was taken up in glory."
I Timothy 3:16

Talking about the gospel in brief. This gospel requires godly leadership. To the world it is a mystery that is hidden from their understanding. But, to those of us who have believed it is a mystery that is being revealed, day by day, as we walk by faith in the saving work of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

As a husband and a father, I am called to walk by faith with my family, day by day, seeking to be a godly man, a more righteous man. I revel in the mystery of godliness which is Christ in me, the hope of glory. 

Father, help us to walk by faith and lead our marriages and families by following you. Praise be to you in us today!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


My family and I have been attending our church for a few years now. We know a few people. I really enjoy the teaching and there is a great youth group. The deal is this: When we go on Sundays we don't really connect that much. I attend the men's study on Wednesday mornings but, it is when we have served that we feel most connected. Attendance does not equal partnership. 
"Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus." I Timothy 3:13
I don't know how else to say this except that the deeper my involvement in church, the deeper my relationship with Christ seems to grow. What Paul is talking about is more than the superficial idea that someone looks up to you as a leader. The idea is that serving Christ's people draws you closer to Christ. 

After washing his disciple's feet Jesus told them that they should do the same for others. Then he said, "Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them" (John 13:17). Going to church and hearing about Christ's love and getting a warm fuzzy isn't the same thing because that is not putting you faith in action. There is a blessing that can only come from serving others. That does not mean you have to serve as a Overseer or Deacon, you just need to serve. I saw the guy who sets up the coffee for church talking with/encouraging someone the other day while he was setting out the coffee. And tomorrow morning when I get up early and go to the men's study I am blessed to be able to grab a cup of coffee! 

What's the to do? Just serve. 

Father, you have given each of us a gift a service in our church. Help us to find our place and serve. Praise be to you in us today!

Monday, March 18, 2013


I know this verse is written concerning the wives of candidates of deacons. That said, I think the message of positive verses negative  communication is valuable for everyone. Especially in this age of emails, texting, instagramming, face-booking, tweeting, and blogging.  
"In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trust worthy in everything." I Timothy 3:11 
My wife has a note (an 8.5" X 11" note) on the refrigerator titled "The Three Sieves Test". The three sieves are: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? Sometimes when I want to say something I ask myself, "Does the Holy Spirit need my help to speak to this person?" You know, something said in love, gently and in humility is totally different than the clanging symbol of truth without love.

The word in the original language (Greek) is diabolos. Sound a bit familiar? The King James Version translates it "slanderers". Satan accuses us before the Father day and night (Revelation 12:10). There is a difference between talking about and praying for someone because you are legitimately concerned about their spiritual well being and  just talking about someone and in affect just passing on negative information about someone. You know, some things tear people up and some things build people up. 

A few months ago, I participated in the draft for my son's baseball league. One of the other coaches who is on the league board made a very negative comment about the guy who was going to do the uniforms this year. I kind of lost respect for the board member because it was only meant to demean the other man. It was malicious. 

Remember to build up not tear down. Remember to speak in love, gently and with a humble spirit. How would you like someone to "share" with you?

Father, help us to build each other up in this most holy faith. Praise be to you in us today!

Sunday, March 17, 2013


"Wait for the LORD 
     and keep his way. 
 He will exalt you to inherit the land; 
     when the wicked are cut off, you will see it."
 Psalm 37:34

Root canals and watching the bachelor may be the the only two things I like less than just plain waiting. I can complain about waiting for most things (although it will not speed thing up or take them away) but if I complain about waiting for God, then I feel guilty. I feel guilty because I know the truth is that he is Sovereign Lord and his time is not my time and his will is not my will. That said, I still an not good at waiting, even for God. But, I try to be. 

One of the many amazing truths about God is that even though I may not good at waiting. He is perfect at being God and nothing, not even my impatience, will hinder him from doing what he wants, when he wants. 

A few years ago I was in a group of teachers up for a group of positions ( a step up for me). My principal didn't show me the list that had my name on it until after the date for schools to select candidates. I was listed as just a teacher, not a categorical program coordinator and I was shown at the wrong school! No wonder no one called! A few days later a few of my friends and I prayed that God would work. The next day my principal told me a school wanted to hire me for the position. I was...not at peace shall we say for that week. But, God still was working and it ended up being  a great school to work at. 

God works despite us and separate from us. That is the truth.

If you have had an experience where you worried yet God work, please share with us in the comments section. 

Father, help us to keep our hope in you. Praise be to you in us today!

Saturday, March 16, 2013


"Turn from evil and do good;
     then you will dwell in the land forever.
 For the LORD loves the just
     and will not forsake his faithful ones."
 Psalm 37:27-28

There was a florist I used to get flowers from for my wife. A very nice guy and we usually ended up talking awhile. One time he mentioned to me that we should do some business together exporting things from his native country. He said it would be easy because he already knew who we would have to bribe. I said no thanks and walked away. For him that was just how you do things. As a Christian, that is not how we do things. He went out of business eventually, by-the-way.

The truth is that we trust God to take care of us even if everyone else around us is doing things differently. I don't want to get all letter of the law and legalistic. I just want to remind you that obedience is faith in action. You obey because you believe that God is Sovereign and will take care of you. Sometimes we don't feel like obeying and everything within us wants to go one way but we know God would have us go another. Go with God. David reminds us that God will not forsake us when we seek to be faithful to him.

Father, help us to walk by faith in obedience to you. Praise be to you in us today!

Friday, March 15, 2013


The writers of the Declaration of Independence wrote, "We hold these truths to be self-evident..." and then they listed the them and led a revolution that changed the course of history. Those core beliefs have guided the United States of America ever since. The Apostle Paul reminded young Timothy that church leaders should be people who hold the truths of the faith. Holding on the the deep truths of the faith, as a husband and a father, is good practice.
"They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience." I Timothy 3:9 
When my oldest son was in middle school he attended a "Christian" school. One of his teachers questioned the validity and authenticity of the Bible in front of the students. I was, to say the least, a bit upset. I wrote him a "note" to the effect that we did not send our son to a Christian school to learn how to doubt God. We  could do that for free by sending him to a public school. Also, I told him that if he had any questions regarding the reliability of the Bible or the existence of God I would be glad to "discuss" them with him and maybe encourage him in his faith.

My youngest son is like a sponge when it comes to information. So, after watching some programs that spoke dogmatically about evolution as if it were unquestionable truth, we had some discussions about the cartoon religion called evolution verses the Creator of all things and the truth of the Bible. It is my responsibility as his father to teach him that God is the Sovereign Lord and Creator of all things and that God has spoken to us through Christ and his Word, the Bible. 

Having a clear conscience does not mean we are perfect. Having a clear conscience means we keep our relationship with God clear. This is why the daily disciplines of prayer and reading the Bible are so important. But, the truth is, they remind us that God loves us and he longs to daily commune with us. That is what we teach our children.

Father, help us to hold fast to the deep truths of the faith and keep our consciences clear. Praise be to you in us today!

Thursday, March 14, 2013


There is a law for contractors that you are not allowed to pay for job B with money from job A. The law is there because people see large amounts of money and think it would be all right if they just spent a bit on a new truck or new car or whatever. I saw many an up and coming contractor fall prey to the temptation to borrow from job B to pay for job A because they spent the money from job A already. I saw one man go from one of the top contractors to swimming in ponds at golf courses for lost golf balls. It was that bit of greed that got him.
"Deacons, likewise, are to be men worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain."              I Timothy 3:8 
Remember, making a lot of money is not evil. Making it dishonestly is evil. My father had a business partner that he met through church once. They were going to build and sell some spec homes (houses built on the speculation that someone will buy them once they were built). My dad put up some of the money to buy land and sold the homes. Dad actually sold a few dozen homes before they were even built. As they started building the homes the partner started buying new cars and trucks and all kinds of things. The problem is he was using the money that was designated to pay for building materials to pay for the cars and trucks and stuff. The partner ended up fleeing the area and leaving my dad with a huge problem of promised homes. Dad dealt with it, honestly. 

As a husband and father, like a church leader, I must not be someone who is pursuing financial gains dishonestly. If I do, I put my family in danger. I need to be a person who seeks to act honestly in all things. Paul says to stand firm with the belt of truth buckled around you waste (Ephesians 6:14). The soldiers belt would sort of hold the uniform together. Truth holds a lot of things together. 

Seek to live honestly. God will bless that. You will be at peace.

Father, help us to seek to provide for our families with honesty and integrity. Praise be to you in us today!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


If you have ever swam in the ocean you should be familiar with rip tides. They are currents that kind of go sideways. They can be pretty strong. You could be swimming along and the next thing you know you are a hundred yards down the beach. Alcohol, can sort of do the same thing. If it controls you, it may put you in a place you should not be.
"In the same way, deacons are to be worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain." I Timothy 3:8
First of all, let's remember the verse does not say NOT to drink. Secondly, it does not say to drink all you want. The issue is control. Who or what is controlling and or motivating you? 

As a husband and father it is imperative that Christ reigns in you and through your, in your family. The goal is to be Christlike. To love and serve our wife and children. If the desire for wine is distracting you from being godly, put it to death. 

What the Apostle is emphasizing is that a person who is given to much wine is not controlled by the Spirit of Christ but by the wine. I know someone who loves to have wine with dinner. Not one glass, but, several. He has done it his whole life. Still, the wine controls him. Soon, he's running at the mouth, saying just a bit too much and he does not listen well either. he is definitely given to much wine and it's not good. 

So, what controls you? As a husband and a father, you need to be controlled by Christ. 

Father, help us to be led by the Spirit. Praise be to you in us today!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


When I was growing up my brother and I would fight from time to time. After a good scolding and perhaps some well deserved punishment, our parents would make us shake hands and apologize. I'm not sure I was always sincerely sorry (because, as you know, he started it). When you think someone is not sincere, you tend to keep and eye out for that person. 
"Deacons, likewise, are to be men worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain." I Timothy 3:8 
The KJV translates the word, "double tongued". I have a friend of mine who over commits himself. So, he's a fit flaky sometimes. But, I don't think he's insincere. Whereas I know some people who will look you right in the eye, promise to do something, and will never even attempt to do what they said they would. I had a boss who was like that recently. The disunity and problems that resulted from their actions was not good, to say the least.  

As a husband and father, I must be sincere and not double tongued.   If my family can not count on be to do what I say, disunity will be the result. There will be problems as it is, that's just part of life. But, if I compound those challenges by not being reliable and trustworthy, it will just add to the degree of difficulty.

Remember, actions speak louder than words. Sincerity is sealed by what you do. When I was in college, I had the Dean of men a bit worried. I had a tendency to question authority. But, I wasn't rebellious.  I was the dorm council president my senior year. The previous president was constantly doing and saying things of questionable nature and ended up stealing money from the school. He was kicked out of school. So, when I was elected they were worried because they thought questioning why equaled being rebellious. At the end of my senior year the Dean of men called me into his office and said that I never once showed bad judgement and they learned they could trust me to do the right thing. I was not double tongued. I became trustworthy in their eyes. Sometimes that's the way sincerity works. What we do proves our sincerity.

Father, help us to be sincere and not double tongued. Praise be to you in us today. 

Monday, March 11, 2013


Respect is often misunderstood in our culture, I think. For some it means fear. For some it means to be blindly given or received. I think respect has many facets. Respect is both given and earned. I respect someone who does what they say and considers the needs of others, not just their own. I think respectability is a trait every Christian should desire.
"Deacons, likewise, are to be men worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain." I Timothy 3:8
In this verse Paul is describing men who act honorably and their character proves them to be respectable. I will show respect to some people because it is the right thing to do even though some do not act in a way that warrants respect. This verse is dealing with men whose actions show them to be worthy of respect. 

As for us the question is do I act honorably? Do people respect me? I know that sounds like a bit of an egocentric question, but, I think it is a good question to ask ourselves. Do my wife and children respect me? Do they respect me or do they simply show me respect? Do I do what I say? Am I a man of action? 

I don't mean to condemn in any way, because all of us fall short of the glory of God, but, I do want us to take an honest look at ourselves. If I am not acting respectably I need to change. 

How can you act today that will be worthy of respect?

Father, by your power and grace, make us people worthy of respect. Praise be to you in us today!

Sunday, March 10, 2013


"I was young and now I am old,
     yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken
 or their children begging bread.
 They are always generous and lend freely;
     their children will be blessed."
 Psalm 37:25-26

There is nothing like perspective. My students always have a bit of a look of doubt when I tell them I once was their age. David, reminds us that God is Sovereign and will not forsake us.

One of the deepest concerns of as father is that your children will be all right. I am sure that my parents went many times to the throne of grace on my behalf. God's grace, his righteousness in Christ Jesus will protect us. Now that I have children and two are out forging their own futures I look and see that we have never begged for food and somehow have always had what we needed. 

God is faithful. 

Father, thank you for your faithfulness to me and my family. Open our eyes to see you in our lives. Praise be to you in us today!

Saturday, March 9, 2013


"If the LORD delights in a man's way,
     he makes his steps firm;
 though he stumbles, he will not fall,
     for the LORD upholds him with his hand."
 Psalm 37:23-24

If God loves you enough to send his Son to die for your sins, I think it is safe to say that he delight's in you. Psalm 33:17 reminds us, "But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love.

Notice that he does not say we will never stumble. He says "though he stumbles". Maybe you have been knocked down or maybe you fell down. Either way, God is not caught off guard. The idea here is that God does not keep you down or cast you out. The enemy will always condemn you, leaving you no way out. God will always leave you a way out. The way may not be easy and may take humility, but there will be no condemnation. 

What does God want? He wants us to trust in him. Listen to the Psalmist, 
"His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse,     nor his delight in the legs of a man; the LORD delights in those who fear him,     who put their hope in his unfailing love."Psalm 147:10-11
Have you stumbled? God knows. God knew you would. Is your hope in your own righteousness? your own will power? your own abilities? Fear God and trust in his unfailing love to uphold you. 

Thank you Jesus for dying in our place and for our sins. Forgive us our sins. Thank you. Praise be to you in us today!

Friday, March 8, 2013

JUST LEAD: I Timothy 3:7

During the last Presidential election Herman Cain was developing a lot of momentum and then a story broke out about some inappropriate dealings with some female employees. His run for the Presidency came to a screeching halt. If a political enemy can find a way to discredit someone, think about our enemy, the accuser of the brethren. What about our reputation within our families?  
"He must have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and the devil's trap.                               I Timothy 3:7
No one knows you like your family. I knew a pastor once who said whenever he would teach about the family his wife would just sit there and shake her head, east and west, because he was not living what he was teaching. So, he stopped teaching about the family until he began putting what the Bible taught into practice in his own life. 

I don't want to condemn anyone. I just want to encourage you to live by faith as a husband and a father. Being Christlike in your marriage and fatherhood is to be  the husband of one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome and not more concerned with money than your family. 

As husband and  father I encourage to pray with your children at night. Share a verse a day. Be the one that says, "Time for church, let's go." Be the one to say, "Let's pray about..." Just seek God with your wife and children. 

Here's the deal. Maybe you have not been the best leader of your family spiritually. Remember God's merciful grace and forgiveness. Just start seeking him. He will turn your family around. You don't have to announce it. Just do it. 

Father, help us to lead our marriages and families as we seek you daily. Praise be to you in us today!

Thursday, March 7, 2013


There is a marked difference between how Christ viewed leadership and how the world views leadership. Christ emphasized that if you want to be great you serve (Mark 9:35), while the world emphasizes being served. Humble leadership is what builds a family.
"He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgement as the devil." I Timothy 3:6
The point of family leadership isn't to always get your way. The need isn't to be always right. The goal is that I live as Christlike as I can and seek to allow Christ to reign in my family. 

The danger is when I (either spouse actually) seek to be king  of my castle and impose my will upon my subjects. The problem that Paul recognized with recent converts becoming church leaders was that they were easily tricked into thinking that their worthiness was warranted because of their innate righteousness. They became conceited. Think about Moses when he smote the rock the second time (Numbers 20:9-11). He got into trouble not because he got angry, but because he said, "Must we" as in God and I!  God will not share his glory. 

As a father. I am a sinful human, saved by grace, to live a life of faith by loving my family, which happens to be other sinful humans. I serve. I love. I forgive. I love. I serve. 

Father, help us to serve our families by faith in love. Thank you for you unfailing love and mercy for us! Praise be to you in us today!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Experience is respect sometimes. Being able to say to other teachers that I spent my first 16 years in education in South Central LA has always been a bit of a respect factor. When another teachers sees how I run my class, they know I am not all talk, I practice what I preach. It's all about trying to act godly.
"He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect. (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church?)" I Timothy 3:4-5
There are three things Paul mentions concerning family leadership:management, guidelines and respectful relationships. 

I think management is all about planning and execution. I try to have a plan because even when things don't go according to plan I have some bearings to go by when reacting the current crisis.

My family guidelines are God's. I must be in the Word on a daily basis and I want my children and wife to see that I am. I want my life to reflect that God's Word gives me direction, not my whims. Plus, when my children live out on their own, they know to seek God's ways.

Finally, I need to "encourage" godly relationships by continually pointing myself, my wife and my children to Christ as we interact with each other. If you can love your sister and or brother, you can love most anyone. 

May God enable you to manage your family by teaching them to obey God's Word and love each other as Christ loves them.

Father, help us to love as you have loved us. Enable us to lead our families with love and grace. Praise be to you in us today!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

THE LOVE OF MONEY: I Timothy 3:3

My mom had a little plaque once with a picture of a monkey. The caption read, "I've been richer, and I've been poorer. Richer is better." There is a difference between enjoying what you can do with money, including giving, and just plain loving money. 
"not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money." I Timothy 3:3
Paul has been comparing the traits of a godly man who is controlled by the Holy Spirit with the traits of an ungodly man who is controlled by his desires, including the love of money. 

Ecclesiastes 5:10 tells us, "Whoever love money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income." The love of money, is when you seek to find satisfaction and fulfillment in having it. That will never happen. Only God can satisfy our souls.

Jesus taught his disciples (and therefore us), "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money" (Matthew 6:24). Jesus spoke those words while teaching about trusting him to take care of our needs. So, the idea is whether you will trust in money or God to take care of you. Trust God. 

Paul was teaching young Timothy what to look for in a church leader. We are looking at these traits as the traits of a good household, family leader too. Now we have the love of money.  This trait of being a lover of money follows a description of someone controlled by alcohol, violence and the need to quarrel. Why is the love of money harmful to a church, a marriage and a family? Because the person who loves money will put the need to have more money before the needs of their family. They will pursue "opportunities" to make more money more than they will pursue opportunities to love their spouses and children. 

A word of caution. We do need money to pay our bills. Sometimes we will work extra to provide extra or more for our families. You must know when you are no longer providing a better life with your family or just seeking more money. 

A pastor of mine once said, "Prosperity is having a little more than you need." May God grant you provision and prosperity for your family. 

Father, help us to love and serve you with the money you provide. Praise be to you in us today!

Monday, March 4, 2013


I am sure that you work with, or have worked with a person who is (in there world) the center of the universe. They are always right (according to them) and if they don't get their way they can be unbearable. Truthfully, they're unbearable even when they get their way. Generally speaking, they are self-centered. Not good qualities for a leader of the church, or a husband and a father. 
"not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money." I Timothy 3:3
The phrase I want to focus on today is that we should not be quarrelsome. 

I would have to say that being quarrelsome is probably an area that God has done a lot of work in my life and will continue to deal with me for the foreseeable future. The idea is to be strong in your convictions without arguing over them. Being a bit more conservative them most of my fellow teachers often puts me at odds with the popular opinion. A friend once told me that people aren't ready to hear something until they are ready to hear something. When we are unwilling to listen we are unable to hear. One side of being quarrelsome is being unwilling to listen and the other is having to be heard. 

TWhen I was maybe nineteen my friends gave me a plaque for my birthday that read, "Be reasonable, do it my way!" I have learned that other peoples ways are just as good, if not better, than my own. I once went into my pastor's office and read him a two page list of things he said wrong. I am not sure I would do that now. I might pray a bit more and maybe think about humility. 

Now that I have had my little moment at the confessional, I encourage you to look at yourself. Are you a bit contentious? Do you always have to be right? Are you strong enough to be right and not have to prove it, to everyone, all the time?

Father, help us to be humble and strong, living according to the truth. May your Spirit work in and through us. Praise be to you in us today!

Sunday, March 3, 2013


"The days of the blameless are known to the LORD,
     and their inheritance will endure forever.
 In times of disaster they will not wither;
     in days of famine they will enjoy plenty."
 Psalm 37:18-19

God knows. God knows every struggle, every heartache, every disaster and every famine that we go through. The truth is that not only does he know it now, he knew you would go through it before the foundations of the world. So, know that God knows all our struggles and is not surprised or caught off guard. 

Also, God is the One who makes us blameless. In I Corinthians 1:8 the Apostle Paul encourages us by declaring, "He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day our Lord Jesus Christ." Another time in Philippians 1:6 Paul says, "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Hardships, trials, disasters and famine will come and go. But God's faithfulness and promise to keep us are eternal.

Father, help us to trust in you. Show us your faithfulness. Praise be to you in us today!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

BETTER THAN: Psalm 37:16-17

"Better the little that the righteous have
     than the wealth of the may wicked;
 for the power of the wicked will be broken,
     but the LORD upholds the righteous."
     Psalm 37:16-17

Have you ever seen a nature show and one predator makes a kill, only to have another predator higher up on the food chain come and take it away? That is what I think about when I read these verses. The wicked sometimes seem to get everything they want. Now, we may not see the predator of debt or bad business dealings that are actually lurking all around them, but, there is One they completely overlook. He is THE LORD, THE JUDGE and he will hold them accountable. 

The other side is that the Lord, upholds those who rely on him for their very righteousness. I don't know how. I don't know when. I don't know where. I just know that God says he will uphold the righteous. I Corinthians says Christ is my righteousness. Outside of me just trying to be a servant of all I can just get in the way. 

Here in Psalm 37 David assures us that God will allow you to "enjoy green pasture", "will give you the desires of your heart", "make your righteousness shine like the noonday sun", "inherit the land", "enjoy great peace" and uphold you because Christ is your righteousness. 

Father, help us to live by faith with you, day by day, moment by moment. Forgive our moments when we lack of faith. Reveal your faithfulness again to us. Open our eyes to see your faithfulness in our lives. Praise be to you in us today!

Friday, March 1, 2013


Occasionally I will watch the Discovery Channel and one of the shows is called "The Devils Ride" which is a "reality" TV series about a biker gang. What is pretty obvious is that most of the members pretty much enjoy being intoxicated and fighting. The one I saw the other night involved one member "having a little fun" by dragging a bike from a rival gangs member around and messing it up. Then a war breaks out between the two gangs. That generally the results of drunkenness mixed with a violent temperament. These are not men who qualify for spiritual leadership.  
"Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money." I Timothy 3:2-3
A results of one member of the Laughing Devils actions was that the rival gang began following one of Laughing Devils "ol' ladies". Putting your family in harms way or in danger is not manhood as God sees it, nor is it good family leadership. That is why Paul tells Timothy that spiritual leaders should not to be given to drunkenness and not to be violent but to be gentle. That does not mean to be a wimp and not protect your family. 

What Paul is talking about is control. What controls or governs your actions? Are you led by your allegiance to Christ or does your anger govern your choices and actions? There are some people who always seem to argue and fighting seems to be the only way to resolve anything. Constant drama. 

As a husband and a father I have to make sure that the Spirit of God is controlling my actions because I am living in obedience and by faith. If I am not controlled by Christ, I will be controlled by something, namely my sinful nature. The sinful nature loves to brawl, loves to get its' way, loves to do whatever makes it feel good for the moment. The result is usually havoc and destruction. My marriage and children do not need any violence. They need me to be a godly man not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle. 

Father, help us to be controlled by you as we seek to live in obedience and by faith. Praise be to you in us today!