"In the same way, deacons are to be worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain." I Timothy 3:8First of all, let's remember the verse does not say NOT to drink. Secondly, it does not say to drink all you want. The issue is control. Who or what is controlling and or motivating you?
As a husband and father it is imperative that Christ reigns in you and through your, in your family. The goal is to be Christlike. To love and serve our wife and children. If the desire for wine is distracting you from being godly, put it to death.
What the Apostle is emphasizing is that a person who is given to much wine is not controlled by the Spirit of Christ but by the wine. I know someone who loves to have wine with dinner. Not one glass, but, several. He has done it his whole life. Still, the wine controls him. Soon, he's running at the mouth, saying just a bit too much and he does not listen well either. he is definitely given to much wine and it's not good.
So, what controls you? As a husband and a father, you need to be controlled by Christ.
Father, help us to be led by the Spirit. Praise be to you in us today!
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