"In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trust worthy in everything." I Timothy 3:11
My wife has a note (an 8.5" X 11" note) on the refrigerator titled "The Three Sieves Test". The three sieves are: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? Sometimes when I want to say something I ask myself, "Does the Holy Spirit need my help to speak to this person?" You know, something said in love, gently and in humility is totally different than the clanging symbol of truth without love.
The word in the original language (Greek) is diabolos. Sound a bit familiar? The King James Version translates it "slanderers". Satan accuses us before the Father day and night (Revelation 12:10). There is a difference between talking about and praying for someone because you are legitimately concerned about their spiritual well being and just talking about someone and in affect just passing on negative information about someone. You know, some things tear people up and some things build people up.
A few months ago, I participated in the draft for my son's baseball league. One of the other coaches who is on the league board made a very negative comment about the guy who was going to do the uniforms this year. I kind of lost respect for the board member because it was only meant to demean the other man. It was malicious.
Remember to build up not tear down. Remember to speak in love, gently and with a humble spirit. How would you like someone to "share" with you?
Father, help us to build each other up in this most holy faith. Praise be to you in us today!
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