Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Build up your core!

Everyone believes something. They may not be able to articulate it, but everybody has certain core values that guide their lives. As Christians, all our values are to be built on Christ.  
"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ." Colossians 2:8 
The reality is that we have an enemy that will use anything and everything to keep us from knowing God in Christ. I am not looking to start a witch hunt or to doubt your pastor. What the Bible says is to guard against beliefs that are built on and around human tradition and hollow, deceptive philosophies. Beliefs that in the end will not free you, but will enslave you. 

The basic principals of this world are all about cravings, lust and boasting (see I John 2:15-17). For example the world says we are animals. We have cravings, desires that undeniable and uncontrollable.  Men are dogs is how this sounds as an axiomatic belief. In the church boys are taught that they are dogs and girls should watch out for those boys who only think about sex. Well, the Bible see things a bit differently. I am a man. I am responsible for my choices. I teach my sons that they are responsible for their actions. If you want the Biblical perspective read Proverbs. Sin, is an equal opportunity destroyer. The Bible teaches purity to all and that means men and women have an ability to choose to sin or be holy. 

The principals of Christianity tells me that because Jesus died for my sins I am free from their dominion in and over my life. That does not mean I will not face temptations. The Bible says that Christ was tempted. Yet, he did not sin. Romans 5 highlights the truth that Christ's death on the cross brings salvation from sin because grace reigns in our lives. 

Build your life, your beliefs upon the truth. Jesus , is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (see John 14:6). 

Father, help us to build out lives on Christ. May your Holy Spirit lead and guide us into all truth. Praise be to you in us today!

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