"Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge,which some have professed and in so doing have wandered from the faith. Grace be with you." I Timothy 6:20-21
The question now for us is, what has God entrusted to our care? We, of course, have our spouses and children. I don't know about you but when I hear most people talk about their marriages it is mostly about their own needs being met. I think we are called to build each other up. We are called to protect our spouses. Does my love for my wife guard her? What about your children? Are you guarding them? I don't mean being over protective. I mean are you teaching them to live by faith?
I also think it is important to remember that we have been entrusted with God's reputation. Whether I am working or volunteering I am a Christian. I am entrusted with God's reputation in that sphere.
I actually think it is amazing that God has entrusted me with anything, let alone a marriage, children, the little league families and Scouting groups I am blessed to volunteer with. I can't forget that I represent Christ everywhere I go. Opportunities to see God work will present themselves we just need to remember to be ready.
Father, help us to guard what you have entrusted to our care. Thank you for counting us worthy of your grace in our lives. Praise be to you in us today!
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