"And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is at work in you who believe." I Thessalonians 2:13
First, to receive the word of God you must accept it as the word of God. The Bible is no ordinary book. II Timothy 3:16 declares Scripture to be "God-breathed". While writing this post I am struck by a realization that not much is made of the Bible being the inspired, inerrant, infallible word of God these days. But, it is. Just think about that for one moment...the Bible contains the very words of God! I am sure that you have heard people say, "I just want to hear God speak to me!" I have said that. The truth: The Bible is God speaking to me, and to you, and to anyone who will listen, every time you open it and read it. That is why so many spiritual leaders say to read your Bible on a daily basis.
Secondly, to receive the word of God you must let it do what it is supposed to do, change your mind. Change your mind to change your actions. II Timothy 3:16 points out that Scripture teaches, rebukes, corrects and trains us in righteousness so that we may be "thoroughly equipped for every good work". Romans 12:2 talks about the transformation of renewing of your mind so that you can know God's good, pleasing and perfect will. James exhorts us to not only read the word but to do what it says (James 1:22-25). Think about it. I can talk about going to work all I want, but, if I don't get up and go work I won't get paid. Remember all our relationships are based upon the reconciling work of Christ in us. We love because he first loved us. Letting the word of God work in you means to love, to forgive, to serve as Christ. Reading the word of God teaches you how to love, forgive and serve.
Father, let your words have the desired effect in us. Renew our minds, change our hearts and help us to love as you have loved us. Praise be to you in us today!
If God has spoken to you, please let us know in the comment section below.
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