Wednesday, January 9, 2013


We live in a world that has a very specific purpose. That purpose is to lead us away from God. So, I find it odd that so much of the world's beliefs about self-control are held by Christians. The world tells us that we can not control our desires and that love is something you fall into.  The world tells us that we are animals and we can't control those deep animalistic desires. That's not what the Bible teaches.
"It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable." I Thessalonians 4:3-4 
God's will should be the goal of all we do. If God wills it, then shouldn't it pretty much be a done deal? Yes, he is faithful to complete the work he began in you. His will is that we be sanctified. That we purify ourselves from this world. The world pushes sexual immorality. We avoid it. 

The world tells us that we must give into urges  but God tells us learn to control your body. You learn to control your body by seeking to be holy and honorable. Holiness has to do with being set apart. Sometimes we just need to be apart from what ever it is that seeks to control you. That is why is Proverbs it says to run. Don't think about it, run. 

The other side of sanctification is the do part. Do honorable deeds. Treat people honorably. That is why service  is so important. Thinking about others requires you to die to yourself. Service is about others, not yourself. Service is about being God's hands and feet, reaching out to others in Jesus' Name and letting God love through you. 

It is God's will that you learn to control your own body. Decide what to do with yourself. Choose to serve. 

Father, help us to avoid sexual immorality, teach us to control our own bodies in holiness and honor. Praise be to you in us today!

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