Where's your battle? Is it at work? Is it at home? Is it within yourself? Your finances? Where ever the battle is, cry out to God from the battlefield!
Sometimes we forget that we are to seek God in the middle of the struggle. You think you have to fix everything first. You try to get yourself together, clean yourself up a bit. In the meantime the battle is still going on around you. Don't wait, pray. Cry out to God. "Lord, give me the strength to do your will. Give me victory!"
If you are like me, there are days you when feel like you leave one battlefield to fight on another. During one of the early battles of the civil war, General US Grant, rode from skirmish to skirmish urging his men to fight on until they finally were victorious. Sometimes that is what we have to do. Go from battlefield to battlefield and cry out to God for help, for victory, until the battle is won.
The word says, "He answered their prayers because they trusted in him." So, cry out to him! That is your mustard seed of faith. Crying out to him. Keep fighting and keep trusting. The victory will come.
Father, we cry out to you from the middle of our battles! Answer our prayers and give us the victory! Praise be to you in us today!