The thing about God's purpose in our lives is that it does not change. We change. God doesn't. We change our purpose all the time. We change our goals, hobbies and jobs. But God's purpose in our lives does not change.
If we look back at verse 14 (which is a look back at Genesis 22:17) the author of Hebrews is pointing out that God told Abraham he would bless him and give him many descendants. Abraham is the father of our faith. He is part of this amazing chain that the brings the Messiah and provides a way for us to be children of God.
Do you get that? What God says it, "I will surely bless you and give you many descendants." God's entry point of assuring Abraham is "I will surely bless you"! God's nature does not change. God's purpose in our lives does not change. Being his children, knowing him and being made into the image of Jesus Christ is his will. Being used by him in his kingdom is his will. He is faithful and will do it. That means he is going to bless us and use us. That's encouraging!
Father, thank you that you do not change! Thank you that you promised to bless us. Praise be to you because you do not change! Praise be to you in us today!
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