I think one of the more frightening things about the times we live in is the startling blur our society sees between good and evil. At the Democratic convention held just before the last presidential election there was a vote on whether or not to take the name of God off their platform and to not recognize Israel as a country. Former LA mayor Antonio Villaraigosa had to call the vote three times and the yes and no shouts were nearly equal!
The reason we seek God on a daily basis is to train ourselves in righteousness. Part of that training is to distinguish good from evil. Honestly, isn't the beginning of this just trying to obey what we know the Bible says?
Someone was trying to tell me that anyone could interpret the Bible anyway they wanted. I asked him, "So how do you "interpret" do not commit adultery?"
The point is that obedience is the key to maturity. Obedience is my willingness to trust God's word to be true and live accordingly. My guide to knowing what is good or evil is the Bible. By "using it" on a daily basis I mature.
Father, help us to live by faith. Set your word in our hearts that we will know good from evil. Praise be to you in us today!
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