Hebrews 7:26
When my two oldest boys were teenagers we, for a while, had a mini-van. Their legs would stretch from the back to the front. Then, when our daughter was born, it was obvious that it no longer met our needs. We had to move up to a large urban assault vehicle, also known as a Yukon XL. We could fit the kids and our luggage in it without being too cramped. It met our need, space wise.
Let me ask you a question (I sound like my friends from the south here). Does your faith meet your need? What I mean by that is: does your understanding of who Christ is allow you to rest in him?
The truth is: Christ, the High Priest, meets your need. You need him to be God over your life and in your heart. You need your sins forgiven and path straightened. Christ does that. You need your conscience cleaned. Christ does that. You need to know the way and the truth and the life. Christ is all that.
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for being my High Priest! Praise be to you for being holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, and exalted above the heavens. Reveal your Priesthood in us today! Praise be to you in us today!
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