You've got to love it! Simple courage and flat out faith. Saul and the whole army of Israel, including David's older brothers, were paralyzed with fear, unable to fight the giant of a man Goliath. David comes to the battle lines to deliver supplies to his older brothers and their commander. He sees everyone reacting in great fear to Goliath. He ends up in the king's tent and basically says, "Don't worry guys, I got this."
How could David have such faith and such courage while everyone else was running away at the very sight of the enemy? David told Saul, "The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine" (I Samuel 17:37). David knew, by faith, from experience that the battle is the Lord's and he was ready and willing to step out in faith and fight Goliath.
So, the lesson for us is that we need to fight the battles of our lives by faith in Christ. Faith that the power that raised Jesus from the dead can work in our lives today!
Father, help us to fight the daily battles of our lives by faith in you. Thank you for you faithfulness! Praise be to you in us today!
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