Wednesday, June 26, 2013

LIFT THE WALL! / Nehemiah 6:3

"So I sent messengers to them with this reply: "I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?"" Nehemiah 6:3

The men's group at my church, King's Harbor Church, has been mustering around the book of Nehemiah. One of the questions that we are supposed to be considering is: "What is the great project of our lives at this time?" It seems that our marriages and children are and will always be projects in our lives. Our personal walk/witness, abiding in Christ is also a live long project. 

The real value of the group I think is we are beginning to form and strengthen the support we can be for each other. When I worked construction we would often have to raise a wall. Each person needed to hold up their part of the wall. Once a strap (that held the wall to the floor while lifting) broke. One of the veteran framers yelled, "Hold your place!" He basically threatened to hit any one who ran with his 28 oz. rough face hammer if they tried to bail out. We needed everyone to hold their part of the wall and continue to life until it was up, plumed, and nailed in place. Everyone held their place and the wall went up nicely. 

The lesson here is that each of us is needed on the wall. There is a section with our name on it. We each have our section to man and to lift. Have you found your spot?

Father, help us to help with the projects you put before us and lay upon our hearts. Thank you for those around us on the wall. Praise be to you in us today!

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