Friday, July 17, 2015

Because Love Covers

The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
1 Peter 4:7-8 NIV

When I first started teaching the rule was to just keep your mouth shut until you became permanent because until then you could get a non-satisfactory notice from your principal and that it was it, game over. I remember waiting to get that notice, even though all my evaluations had been good, because I just didn't want my future riding on the mood of some administrator. Even after I got my "PERM" classification, I tried to pay attention and watch what I said. 

I became a Christian near the end of the Jesus movement in the late 70's and the end times was a central topic. Hal Lindsey, Chuck Smith, and others were proclaiming the soon return of Christ. It brought a certain seriousness and hope to following Christ. Now, I still think Christ is coming soon and I frankly believe he could come at any time and sort of wonder what we are missing in our eschatology (besides 'no man knows the day or hour'). 

So, when Peter tells us that the end of all things is near I think that our attitudes and actions should reflect the idea that Christ could come back at any moment. That's the idea of being clear minded and self-controlled. The bottom line is that we should love each other deeply. Some translations use the word fervent or severe. Remember we're not talking about some warm fuzzy- flower peddles floating down - music playing- emotion, we are talking about sacrificial, die to yourself, Christ-like love. There will be sin and love will be needed to cover it. What better thing could you or I be doing when Christ returns than trying to love someone with the love of Christ?

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