Saturday, March 21, 2015

Be Built Up

“Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified. 
Acts 20:32 NIV

I have connections to a couple of churches that are in the process of finding new lead pastors. It is interesting and very telling to see how the leadership of each church goes about the process. One church rushed and one has taken their time to communicate with the body and seek God's will. 

One church took the time to communicate with the body asked everyone what they were looking for in a head pastor. They also gave them ample time and provided many opportunities to share their answers and concerns. 

In Acts 20:32 we see Paul's heart as a shepherd. He committed them to God and the word of his grace. Why? Because Paul's desire was to see the disciples built up, enjoying the inheritance of being a child of God and knowing the solace of sanctification. That's a shepherd. 

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