I remember when I first started at my job and they gave me the option of automatic deposit. It's great. On paydays a few of my co-workers would be rushing to get to the bank to deposit their check, so they could wait a few days for it to clear. They would always say,"I like to see it in my hands." I would reply, "I like drive by you in line and just go home and go out to dinner."
I kind of think trusting God is a bit like the whole automatic deposit thing. I just trust they put the money in my account and then I write the checks to pay my bills, believing the funds are there. In a similar way, I trust Christ that he paid the price for my sins. I don't want to sin and I try not to sin. But, I do. The bible says that if I confess my sins he is faithful and just to forgive me from all unrighteousness (I John 1:9).
I don't see how God does everything, I just see that he does. This year we had some added expenses (you know braces and teenagers eating like teenagers type stuff) and I was given the opportunity to work a bit extra. God provided. I didn't see God working but he heard my cry and did work.
Our faith is in God who can do things we can't anticipate. By faith we understand that God works even when we don't seem him working.
Father, open our eyes to see you working in our lives. Praise be to you in us today!