Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Don't Be Deceived

Have you ever opened your e-mail only to find some message that reads, "Congratulations! You won! Open to claim your prize." Then you open it and it says, "Click to see if you qualify..." Yes, one of the wonders of the information age. Deception delivered to your personal e-mail. Deception is one of the enemies favorite tools. From Eve to you and me, we are always being confronted with information meant to lead us away from our sincere and pure devotion to Christ. 
"But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ." II Corinthians 11:3
There are a couple things we need to be reminded of in these verses. One is that there is an enemy of our souls that is actively seeking to deceive us about God, His Truth and Reality. The second is that we need to remember our devotion to Christ and keep in sincere and pure. 

Think of devotion to your favorite sports team. I am a Laker fan, born and bred. I went to college in South Carolina and at that time the Lakers and Celtics seemed to always be battling in the for the championship. There was one other Laker fan, my friend Phil, all the rest seemed to either be Celtic fans or just bitter Laker haters. Win or lose, the Lakers are my team. 

Now, our devotion to Christ must be just to Christ. Remember when you first came to know Christ. You knew it was all His righteousness because sin had devastated your life. Christ is still your righteousness...

Father, thank you for sending your Son to save us from sin and death. Thank you that you knew not only the sin we did commit but also those we would commit. Give us thankful hearts, changed by you. 

(Please feel free to leave an insight/comment below.)

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