James 4:7-8 (NIV)
If you're looking for a warm fuzzy, the book of James may not be the place for you. If you want to really get down to what you need to deal with in order for your relationship with Jesus to be real, it's a definite must read.
In these verses he reminds us to submit to God rather than trying to wrestle everything we want from the universe. Striving verses submitting. Striving is not God's way, it is the devil's way of obtaining not just things but satisfaction and fulfillment.
In contrast to striving is seeking God. James says to come near to God and he will come near to you. Do you notice that he doesn't say go, he says come? It is more of an invitation than a command. For all his harshness James is pointing out that God is calling us. Remember the parable of the lost son (or the prodigal son)? The younger son went back to the father and the father ran to him (this was totally against the culture of the day, men don't run). The father also went out to the older son. This is God. He calls us. He seeks us.
Come to God. Come near to God. Hear his call to you...
Father, thank you for calling me to you. Praise be to you in us today!
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