Thursday, December 11, 2014

Be a Shrewd Dove

I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. 
Matthew 10:16 NIV

The world looks at things completely differently than Christ compels us to view our lives. The end justifies the means permeates the beliefs of the world we live in from top to bottom.  From politics to literature the idea that you can break the rules if it helps you "make things better" in the long run. 

I think we need to love as Christ loved us. I don't believe that means that we have to be the victim. When Christ was questioned by Pilate (John 19) Pilate thought he was in power, but, Christ enlightened Pilate that the power he thought he controlled was given by God. We stand in the truth. If we suffer for that, we suffer in Christ's Name and for his glory. 

I also think that we need to be wise in all our dealings in life. I look at it like this: If someone asks me to do something inappropriate or questionable I should say no. 

Also, for the most part, people only hurt us as much as we allow them. So, trust people, but only as much as you are willing to be hurt. Then, forgive because none of us is perfect and we all sin. 

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