Monday, October 27, 2014

Are you part of the deliverance?

Blessed is he who has regard for the week;
   the LORD delivers him in times of trouble.
Psalm 41:1

One of the fruits of being a servant of the Kingdom of God is God's deliverance. Isolation is the result of being a selfish person, a person who "looks out for number one". 

Last year I had the misfortune of having an incompetent, malicious, and immoral supervisor. She did her best to completely negate any progress teachers accomplished with their students. I had several fellow workers ask me about how to deal with her. I believe in telling the truth, even if it hurts me. I went to the principal and told the truth. Frankly, I did not want to put myself on the line and brought some unwanted "focus" upon myself. But, she no longer is at our school site. 

The point is that I believe that if we seek to defend those who can't defend themselves that we honor God. I lost a lot of hours listening to fellow workers describe the intrusive and destructive actions of this crazy administrator. But, I am where God put me to serve others, not myself. He promises to take care of me. He does. 

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