Monday, July 22, 2013


"So he became as much superior to the angles as the name he has
inherited is superior to theirs." Hebrews 1:4

The point the author is trying to make is that Christs' position in the universe is superior to anything else, save the Father. This is important when we realize that then as now people were concerned with how God worked in their lives. The emphasis is that God sent his Son to intercede in our lives, not just angels. 

It is a wonderful thought to know that God uses his angels to guard us (Psalm 91:10-12; Matthew 4:6; Luke 4:10). But, to know that he sent his One and Only Son to die for our sins and that Christ now sits at the right hand of the Father interceding on our behalf, that is amazing! 

The name Jesus inherited is the rank of firstborn. Think of it this way. Why do some religions want to say that Jesus is a prophet? Because they want to make him one of many prophets, not the Son of God. The author of Hebrews is reminding us that Jesus is superior to anything or anyone else. 

Father, praise you for sending Jesus to be our High Priest. Thank you that he died for our sins and that he ever lives to intercede for us at your right hand! Praise be to you in us today!

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