Here's the deal: Jesus was made like us to die for us. Get it? Jesus didn't come into the world to become God, he always has been, and he always will be God. He came to provide redemption, salvation, forgiveness and the deliverance from death.
When Christ was on the cross just before he died he cried out, "My God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34). The pain of separation from the Father shook the earth and spit the temple curtain in two (Matthew 27:51-52). The sting of death, is eternal separation from God. Physical death is only a part of death. Spiritual death is the other. Death, is actually eternal aloneness. Alone from hope, alone from peace, alone from God.
When Christ died on the cross, he experienced death for us. The superiority of Christ is demonstrated in the completeness of the salvation he provides for us.
The moments of aloneness we experience on here on earth are to remind us that Christ took that upon himself so that we do not have to die apart from God, but, we can live forever with him in paradise.
Jesus, thank you for tasting death for us. Praise be to you in us today!
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