Friday, July 12, 2013

GO ALL IN! / Philemon 6

"I pray that you may be active in your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ." Philemon 6

There is a difference between an observer and a participant. If you have ever played any kind of sport, you know what I am talking about. Being active in your faith is the only way you can see the good things God has for you. 

Many people say they are members of a church, yet, they don't really participate. Even though I attend a weekly men's study and try to be active in my group I feel there is a deeper level. Think about it. Going to church on a weekly basis doesn't really make you an active member, it just means you are a permanent visitor. The deeper the investment the greater the experience. 

Christianity is more than just going to church and evangelism (both of which are necessary). Christianity encompasses all our lives. From home to work, Christ reigns. Faith is to be active in every part of our lives. I had a youth pastor once who was a drywall contractor. He said, "There is no Jesus in the kingdom of drywall." He learned, there is. Christ must reign in every area of our lives. Seeking Christ in every area of our lives allows us to see Christ in every area of our lives.

Father, help us to seek you in every area of our lives. Praise be to you in us today!

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