Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Grace of Distinction

But among the Israelites not a dog will bark at any person or animal.’ Then you will know that the Lord makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel. 
Exodus 11:7 NIV

Let me ask you this: Were the Israelites perfect people? No. Moses was a murderer and the rest of the book of Exodus (and the rest of the Bible) matter-of-factly recalls the Israelites' sinful imperfections. 

Yet God, in his amazing patience, mercy and grace, makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel. Following Christ is not a matter of performance and perfection. Christianity is about living by faith. Faith in God's patience, mercy and grace. I don't know why he chose me, but he did. I know I don't deserve his patience, mercy and grace, but, I'll take it! 

The only real response is to live in that mercy and grace. The Israelites had been in slavery for their whole lives. That's all they knew. Yet God, delivered them when they couldn't really even conceive of what that actually meant. 

Think about it. If the Lord spoke to you that he was going to take you out of your present situation and give you a home and new life, wouldn't you find that a bit difficult to really imagine. God let Moses have a peak at the promised land, just to see what it really looked like. God knows we can't see the end from the beginning. All we can do is take the next steps of faith and live in his mercy in grace. 

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