But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.
Luke 12:31-32 NIV
When I was in my teens I had a bit of a dare-devil, Evel Kneivel, in me. So, by the time I was old enough to drive my dad (wisely) told me if I wanted to drive I could, I'd just have to pay for the car and insurance myself. Because I really was into sports I didn't have the time to work enough to pay for a car and insurance.
Eventually, I got my drivers license but not a car. I actually was just graduated from high school and no longer living at home. I was working for a construction company and driving the company truck. One day my day called me up and said I could use his truck. It was a very nice two-toned four wheel drive pick up truck with mag wheels. He said he noticed me driving the company truck and if I was responsible enough for that then I was responsible enough for him to let me use his.
In the same way my father was pleased to let me use his truck, our Father in heaven is pleased to give us the kingdom. He will care for our needs. We just have to seek his kingdom, seek to be faithful, seek to lift up Jesus in our lives.
I encourage you, seek first his kingdom. Let him be king in you today where ever you go and what ever you do.
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