Friday, September 18, 2015

Deceiver vs Deceiver

The little you had before I came has increased greatly, and the Lord has blessed you wherever I have been. But now, when may I do something for my own household?”
Genesis 30:30 NIV

When I was a kid I used to like the Spy vs Spy comics in Mad magazine. Jacob and Laban kind of remind me of that but they're Deceiver vs Deceiver. As my mom would say to me and my brother,  "You deserve each other." Yet, God's promises and his plan will not fail. 

Jacob, despite himself, was part of God's plan to bless the nations. Laban, despite himself, was blessed because of Jacob. Where ever we go, and whatever we do, we should be a blessing. We are not perfect people, but, if we do all things unto the Lord and seek to glorify him I believe we will bless those around us. Like Jacob, our efforts will benefit even the Labans in our lives. 

This is where grace comes in. We are not perfect and we are not dealing with perfect people. God knows we are who we are. That is why he sent his One and Only Son to die for our sins. It's not just that our hard work and integrity will benefit those we work for and with, but also, the light of the grace of God can shine through us to bring salvation to the world. 

So, you might find yourself in a bit of a struggle with a Laban. God is still Sovereign and will work his will. Do what you know is right and trust God to deal with the consequences. He is faithful.

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