Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Most Humble Man

This is one of those verses that just flies right in the face of what I call "popular theology". Most people would have a hard time writing this about themselves. Because a humble person is not supposed to say they are a humble person. That's why (my opinion) that some have to say this was Joshua or some scribe writing this at a later date because Moses, if he was the most humble man would never write that about himself.

In a way, we often think of humility as not saying we are as humble or whatever (fill in the blank) as we think we are. Someone else can say it, just not us. Maybe that's one reason a lot of people have trouble with how some athletes celebrate a home run, touchdown, basket, goal or some success in one form or another. 

I just think Moses knew who he was before God. He knew that when he tried to save his people, the Israelites, in his own way, he ended up a murderer. Yet, God called him to deliver his people from bondage to the Egyptians and take them to the promised land. He knew it was God doing the miracles, not him. 

Now, when did Moses blow it? He blew it when he said, "Listen, you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock?"(Numbers 20:10b, emphasis mine). Remember, God will not yield his glory to another (Isaiah 42:8). If anger keeps you from getting into the promised land, not many of us are getting in. Moses could of been angry, spoke to the rock as God instructed him, but no, he struck the rock and said, "must we", we being God, Aaron and himself. Moses forgot who he was and what his place was before God. He was only an instrument, a servant. 

So, I think it's important to realize who we are in Christ. Be confident in who God created us to be and what he chooses us to be at different times of our lives. Always remember that like Paul you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13).  In humility let God do whatever he wants to do. Rejoice in His work in and through your life.

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