Saturday, December 5, 2015

See To It

See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.
Colossians 2:8

I can remember when I first gave my life to Christ and the pastor would emphasis the need to look to the Bible to decide the validity and truth of any teaching. They would exhort us to compare what they or any other teacher said with Scripture and if it didn't match up we should first of all forget it and then call them out about it. 

A few years past and one of my pastors (who I love and still respect) was teaching about the end times and made a statement that I had a little trouble with. He said, "You don't want to be at a Stone's concert when, pa-da-ta-da (the sound of a trumpet?), then you are". The context of his teaching that sermon led you to understand that as you would be left behind because you were "sinning", according to him. Well, there's a lot of things I've done and I don't want to be doing when the Lord comes to take us home, but, the idea that if you just happen to be sinning at that precise moment when Jesus comes again because then you'll be left behind, is not a teaching I find in the Bible. 

My issue with that is not so much that it is not what the Bible teaches because it's not in Scripture but that it depends on human effort rather than God's grace. It's really just a form of sinless perfectionism, which is legalism. Sometimes what we have to  concern ourselves with is not full on heresy but things that depend upon "human traditions" or "the basic principles of this world". If it depends upon me rather than on the righteousness of Christ and his death upon the cross, then it's wrong. For example, my issue with the whole name-it-and-claim-it teaching is that it depends upon the individuals faith rather than on Christ. 

Here's the deal: we should all press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of us (Philippians 3:12), but that is not to earn your salvation, it's to ensure salvations purpose in our lives. We depend upon Christ, abiding in him as he so powerfully works in us. If you have walked with the Lord for any length of time you realize your own frailty and Christ's faithfulness. That encourages us to continue in Christ. So, guard yourselves. Watch that you don't start looking to your own righteousness rather than to Christ's. Christ is the Cornerstone. 

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