Thursday, November 12, 2015

No Treaty, No Snare

Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in the land where you are going, or they will be a snare among you. 
Exodus 34:12 NIV

When you have an enemy, you have to remember that they are your enemy. The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margret Sanger, had a belief and a goal. She thought there were too many African Americans (not the term she used), to devised a way to have African Americans kill there babies; it's called abortion. I don't think she invented abortion, she just believed that she could offer it to people of color as a choice and the end result would be the death of millions of African Americans by their own choice. Even though she is long dead and gone her idea still has the effect she desired, less African Americans. Thirteen million African American babies have been aborted since 1973 alone. Thirteen MILLION. 

My point is that if we make a "treaty" with our enemy, sin, it will continue to be our enemy and find a way to inflict damage, destroy and bring death to us. Later in Exodus 34 the Lord tells Moses not to choose wives for their sons from the daughters of those living in the land because, "they will lead your sons to do the same"(prostitute themselves to their gods. That meant doing things like sacrificing their children. The treaty, the compromise would lead to sin, which leads to death. You can not worship the Lord and any other god. Worshiping the Lord brings life, abundant life, life to the full. 

Remember, God wants you to enjoy your salvation. Jesus didn't die so we would still be bound by sin. He died so that we might have life and have it to the full. 

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