Thursday, June 30, 2016

Help in the Battles

Lord, help us in the battles we face today. Grant us strength and courage get over the things that block and confront us. Praise be to you, our ever present help!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Did you come to remind me of my sin?

Some time later the son of the woman who owned the house became ill. He grew worse and worse, and finally stopped breathing. She said to Elijah, “What do you have against me, man of God? Did you come to remind me of my sin and kill my son?”
1 Kings 17:17-18

The "widow" knew. Probably everybody knew. This boy was the fruit of her sin. Her guilt was real and deserved. She knew it. Yet God had sent his prophet Elijah and provided for her and her son. She was given a little hope that things might get better. Then, the boy becomes sick and stops breathing. The pain, the guilt, the condemnation all just hit her again. There was no one to blame but her, her sin. 

Elijah didn't ask her if she was repentant. He didn't try to explain why bad things happen. He just took the boy and asked God to let life return to him. And God did. Then the widow believed. The jar of flour and jug of oil not running out didn't convince her. But, bringing her son back to life did. You see, God knows how to reach us. He knows our self-inflicted wounds of sin. 

Are you a little like the widow, carrying around some guilt, thinking that every time someone looks at you they only think of your sin? In Christ you are forgiven. You are not condemned. God wants to raise up new life in you. Rest in the truth...

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Can you follow the Lord completely?

"So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the Lord; he did not follow the LORD completely, as David his father had done." 1 Kings 11:6

Reading this chapter is sort of a little flick on the forehead to me because Solomon didn't accidentally not follow the Lord completely, he made some very specific choices that led him away from the Lord. For Solomon it was his many foreign wives that worshipped other gods.  

My question for myself is: what might I be allowing in my life that is leading me away from the Lord? Am I following the Lord completely? 

Before we get totally condemned let's remember the words "as David his father had done." Was David sinless? No, and I am sure that Solomon had heard the story of how his parents had gotten together. Solomon knew that his father, David, was far from perfect, but, he did love the Lord, in God's eyes, completely. 

I encourage you to, like David, follow the Lord completely. When you sin, seek God. When you struggle, seek God. When you feel trapped, attacked, helpless, hopeless, and hapless, seek God. 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Good Things

Lord, open my eyes to see all that you provide for me each and everyday. Grant me a heart of thankfulness. Help me to serve others and be the blessing someone else needs. 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Take Refuge in the Lord

What are you going through? Where are you? Find your refuge in the Lord. Sometimes he takes us through a desert to get us alone with him...