Thursday, January 14, 2016

Got Peace?

Great peace have those who love your law,
   and nothing can make them stumble.
Psalms 119:165

When you know you did the right thing, you know you're going to be all right. It's a bit like driving down the road and looking up in your rear-view mirror and see a Highway Patrol officer. Then, you look at your speedometer and you are going the speed limit not over it. You know your tags are paid up and everything is working and you used your turn signal when you you know you're OK. But, for us, as Christians, it's a bit more...

As Christians we are not talking legalism and following the Old Testament law or a newly crafted set of rules that are culturally relevant. Although that is what David was talking about when we apply this Scripture to our lives through the work of Christ on the cross, we see grace. The law of love, faith in action. Great peace is the fruit of knowing that we act in faith, seeking to loves those around us. This doesn't mean everything will work out perfectly and every desire will be fulfilled exactly as we envision its' fulfillment. 

Jesus loves us. He gave himself for us.  He sits at the right hand of the Father interceding on our behalf. He sent the Spirit to indwell us, to guide us, to comfort us and to lead us into all truth. The Father is Sovereign over all things and has placed all things under Christ.  He is faithful in all things. As we seek to express our faith through love, which is the only thing that counts (Galatians 5:6), God works. We have peace because we know we are under grace and whatever happens is up to God. Peace happens when you live in grace by faith.

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